Business Strategy Development

Raiffeisengruppe Österreich
Client Company:
Raiffeisengruppe Österreich
Client Contact:
Christian Urich
Contact Job Title:
Contact Details:
Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG, Am Stadtpark 9 A-1030 Wien
Financial Services
Strategy Development


The Raiffeisengruppe Österreich, one of Austria’s largest banking groups, had set up a group, the Strategieteam, to drive the strategy process group wide in a uniform way in order to raise the responsiveness to external challenges and the agility of implementing strategic actions. Among the first tasks of the team was the definition of a strategy process.


The business advisors’ role was twofold: moderator and expert – using different hats. After a thorough assessment of the existing practises, artefacts and opinions, he came up with an elaborated suggestion for clear straight-forward process from business vision down to strategic planning with a strong emphasis on measurable artefacts. After presenting the proposal he visibly changed hats to become the moderator for the following process to commonly design the group’s strategy process.


After the group is was successfully working according to this process for two years on a voluntary basis the decision was taken to make the use of our strategy process mandatory.

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